TopsDPX Phone Label Logic

Not sure how TopsDPX pulls phone numbers from the patient chart? Here's your guide:

Texting Logic:

  • TopsDPX will search Account 1 field, then Account 2 field for the first phone number with a label of SMS. If it finds one, the reminder text will go to that number.
  • Within in each field, TopsDPX searches top left, top right, then bottom left.
  • If neither Account Holder has a label of SMS, then the Patient field is checked for an SMS label; if the Patient field contains an SMS label, then the reminder text will go to that number.
  • If neither Account Holder nor Patient fields have any numbers with SMS labels, TopsDPX checks Account 1, then Account 2 for a label of Mobile or Cell from left to right in order.
  • Finally, if neither Account Holder fields nor Patient fields reflect any approved labels for sending Reminders, TopsDPX will attempt to use the phone number listed as Phone 1 in the Patient field. If this number is a textable number, TopsDPX will use it even if it has the Home label.

See additional approved labels that can be used for Reminders in Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Labels > Phone.  The meaning of the label will show if it can be used for SMS Reminders. 

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