TopsDPX Email Logic

Where do the email reminders go for your patients? Here's how it works:

  • If the patient is over 18 years old, TopsDPX will send the email reminder to the email listed in the Patient’s email field
  • If the patient’s email is not present, TopsDPX will send the email reminder to Account Holder 1
  • If Account Holder 1 has no email address entered, TopsDPX will send the email reminder to Account Holder 2
  • If no email addresses are present, no email confirmations/reminders will be sent
  • If the patient is under 18 years old, TopsDPX will send the email reminder to Account Holder 1
  • If Account Holder 1 has no email address entered, TopsDPX will send the email reminder to Account Holder 2
  • If no Account Holder email addresses are entered, TopsDPX will send the email reminder to the email listed in the Patient’s email field

Pay attention to what you check off in the patient chart for their Reminder Preferences. The checkboxes are on the bottom right of the chart.

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