Letters & Forms Matrix

Track the letters you generate, approve and send in Tops using the Letters & Forms Matrix!

This report can be filtered by the "Sent" heading so all sent letters group at the top.
  1. Go to Matrix > Letters & Forms.
  2. Enter your date range using the calendar tool. Click Use Selected Date Range.
  3. This report allows you to do the following:
    1. See all letters generated in Tops Ortho for the date range selected.
    2. Print letters in bulk:
      1. Click the blue check mark box on the very top left. This will check all letters.
      2. Click Print Checked Letters on the bottom right.
    3. Filter by Sent and Unsent status. Use the dropdown menu near the top right.
    4. Filter letters by location. Use the dropdown menu near the top right.
    5. See WHEN letters were sent. Click the Sent heading to see the date a letter was emailed or printed.
    6. See WHO sent which letters. Click the by heading to see the staff initials.
    7. See HOW letters were sent. Click the Sent heading to see which were emailed and which were printed.
    8. See WHICH letters were approved. Click the Approved heading.
    9. See WHO approved each letter. Click the by heading to see the staff initials.
    10. See letter notes. Click the Notes heading.
    11. Take action on a specific letter:
      1. Highlight the patient's letter in the list.
      2. Click the gear wheel on the top left. The dropdown menu allows you to Check Letter, Uncheck Letter, Open Letter, or View Patient Forms/Letters/emails tab in their chart.

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