Save Time with Appointment Flags

Appointment Flags enable automatic updates and data input in Tops Ortho when patients complete appointments! Here's what they do:

To view Appointment flag settings, go to Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Calendar > Appointment Types.


  • Checking this box will cause the appointment to count as an emergency appointment. The total of emergency appointments for each patient is recorded in the clinical side of the patient chart. It is also noted in Matrix > D7 Patient Care Tracking.

Lab Work

  • Lab in/out: Use this field if the appointment type requires lab work. Set it so the appointment type is automatically marked as No Lab Case, Must Go to Lab, Must Be Back From Lab, or Back from Lab.

  • Lab: Select the lab that will be required for this appointment type. For information on adding a Lab to Tops Ortho, see related article Add a Lab below.
  • Lab Case Type: Select the type of lab work required. The options here can be edited in Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Labels > Lab Case.

Before Appointment

  • Should Confirm: Check this box if you want a "Should Confirm" note to show for this appointment in Matrix > Appointments.
  • Needs Prep: Check this box if you want to see the appointment in the Appointments Needing Preparation report.

Calls Before/After

  • Check the boxes for Patient, Specialist, Dentist, or Lab if you want this note to appear in Matrix > Appointments.

After Appointment is Completed

  • Enter an Expected Charge here if you want to see this appointment in the Appointment Charges Today report.

Treatment Status Changes

  • When appointment is kept, change Tx Status to: Enter a Tx Status here if you want the patient's tx status to automatically change after the appointment is completed
  • Count as New Patient Exam: The appointment will show in the Matrix > D7 Patient Care Tracking > Exams report.
  • Count as Recall Exam: Will count exam as an Observation Visit in Gaidge Analytics
  • Count as Records Visit: Not used at this time
  • Count as Consult Visit: Not used at this time
  • Count as Retention Visit: Will be factored in to the Matrix > D7 Patient Care Tracking > Too Many Retention Visits report.
  • Requires Staff Attention: The "See receptionist" message will display when the patient checks in for this appointment.
  • Alert Treatment Coordinator: The appointment will display in the Treatment Coordinator view of Patient Flow.
  • Count as Virtual Visit: Not in use at this time
  • Begins Treatment: The Tx Start Date will autofill in the patient chart upon completion of the appointment.
  • Completes Treatment: The Tx End Date will autofill in the patient chart upon completion of the appointment.

PLEASE NOTE: The flag settings you apply in Practice Setup will only apply to appointments that you schedule moving forward. Any appointments that were already scheduled will not reflect your settings. If you would like Tops Support to assist you in applying the settings to appointments already on the schedule, please call 770.627.2527.

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