Rollover FAQs
What is rollover?
- Your Tops server needs to roll at the end of the day, every day.
- This process typically kicks off in the early hours of the morning so it does not interrupt your work.
- At rollover, the following tasks complete:
- System date moves to next day
- Late fees charge to ledgers
- Contracts auto-deactivate
- Statements generate
- Contract fees charge
- Automatic payments post
- OrthoBanc payments post
- Autopay plans deactivate
- Insurance claims generate
- Appointments mark as missed
- Checked-out iPortfolio items check back in
- Additional maintenance completes
How long does rollover take?
- Typically, rollover can take up to 20 minutes depending on the size of your database and the tasks to be completed
What prevents rollover?
- The server is powered off
- The server does not have an internet connection
What should I do if rollover fails or is taking longer than 20 minutes?
- Please DO NOT shut down or restart your Tops server.
- Call Tops Support at 770.627.2527, or
- Email Tops Support at [email protected]

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