Create a New Treatment Plan

When you offer a patient more than one treatment plan option, here's how to reflect it in Tops Ortho.

  1. Open the patient's chart; go to View > Patient Info... or press Command I.
  2. Click on the Clinical side of the chart.
  3. Click on the radio button for Dx/Tx Plan.
  4. Enter the plan information for the patient's first treatment option. For our example, Dennis's first proposed treatment plan is is Full Braces for 18 months.

  1. On the top left, click the up/down arrow to open the dropdown menu.
  2. Select Edit Treatment Plan List... and select Create Plan in the next window.

  1. The default name will be Untitled Plan. Click OK.

  1. You will see that the Exam/Diagnosis findings will remain. The remaining fields will be blank.
  2. Enter the information for the next treatment plan. In Dennis's example, it's Invisalign treatment for 12 months.
  3. While the patient is deciding on his preferred treatment plan, you can toggle between the two proposed treatment plans to view details.

  1. When the patient has chosen which treatment they want to pursue, click the up/down arrow on the to left to open the dropdown menu. Select Edit Treatment Plan List...
  2. Place a check mark next to the treatment option the patient has chosen. Click OK.

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