Delete a Recall

If you created a Recall in error, you can delete it two different ways.

From the Patient's Chart:

  1. Go to View > Patient Info.
  2. Find the patient and click OK.
  3. Go to Appts/Recalls tab.
  4. Highlight the recall you want to delete.
  5. Go to Edit > Clear, or press Command Delete.
  6. A box displays asking if you are sure; click Delete.

The process below is helpful when you need to delete multiple recalls:

From the Recalls Matrix:

  1. Go to Matrix > Recalls.
  2. Enter your date range, click Use Selected Date Range.
  3. Keep the filter on Unscheduled. Note: You cannot delete Scheduled Recalls.
  4. Select the recall you wish to delete. Note: Hold down the Command key to select multiple recalls.
  5. Go to Edit > Delete Recall(s), or press Command Delete.
  6. A box displays asking if you are sure; click Delete.

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