Optimize Your Tops Check-In Settings

topsCheck-In settings provide you a ton of options. Here's how to change the message that displays on the check-in iPad, edit patient name format, and more!

  1. Go to Tops Ortho > Practice Settings.
  2. Type your password and click OK.
  3. Go to topsCheck-in.
  4. In the Welcome Screen tab, you can:
    • Customize your greeting.
    • Provide instructions.
    • Choose how patients' names display:
      • To display patients' first and last name, check the box for Show Full Patient Names
      • To display patients' names with only the first three letters of their first and last names, uncheck the box for Show Full Patient Names

In the Message tab, you can:

    • Set when you want pending appointments to display on the iPad, such as how many minutes before/after the appointment start time.
    • Select your display language.
    • Edit your greeting.
    • Include messages for patient that are early or late for their appointments.
    • The See Receptionist message displays when a patient checks in for an appointment that is marked as Requires Staff Attention in Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Calendar > Appointment Types.

In the Excluded Patients tab, you can:

    • Add patients that you do not want to display in the check-in iPad.
    • This section is intended for charts that are not for actual real patients, such as, demo patients, lunch, and meetings.
    • If you have real patients within this list, they do not display in Patient Flow and will show as missing their appointment.

In the iPads tab, you can:

    • Pair new iPads for check-in.
    • Show iPad password.
    • Change iPad password. 

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