Create a New Treatment Phase

Your patient has come back for a second phase of treatment. Complete the following to create a new treatment phase.

Our example patient, Nancy, completed her first phase of treatment when she was 9 years old. Now she's 12 years old and ready for Phase II treatment. The Dx/Tx portion of her chart still shows her Phase I information:

Let's add her second phase!

  1. Click on the up/down arrows on the top right and select Edit Treatment Phase List.
  2. In the window that opens, click the + icon.
  3. Click Create Phase.

  4. Your new phase will be labeled None; click OK.
  5. You will see that Nancy's diagnostic findings no longer show; don't worry! They are still saved under her Interceptive Phase. Toggle to this phase on the upper right to view them at any time.
  6. Add Nancy's Phase II information. Make sure to select the phase label so it will no longer be called None.
  7. When Nancy is ready to begin Phase II treatment, click on the dropdown on the upper right and select Edit Treatment Phase List.

  8. Place the checkmark on your new phase to tell Tops Ortho that this is now Nancy's active phase of treatment. Click OK.

  9. That's it! You will now see that Nancy has all image sets available, so you can add Initial, Progress, and Final images. You can also add a new contract.

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