Landmarks in TopsCephMate

Once the photo and ceph have been combined, the next step is to mark the hard tissue points. Select the Landmark tool.

Marking Points:

  1. The Sella point is attached to the pointer and bumped out on the list to the right. The point name is also indicated next to the mouse pointer. Click to drop the point on the x-ray.
  2. Once the Sella point is placed, Tops Cephmate automatically advances to the next point. Continue to click to mark each point.
  3. To skip a landmark, click on the landmark name on the right side of the window or tab to the next point you want to place.
  4. It’s not necessary to mark all of the points. However, the more points you place, the more thorough your analysis will be.
  5. Continue to mark the hard tissue points.
  6. Once the last point is marked, Tops Cephmate advances to the contour window. If you skipped any points, press the number 2 key or the Contour icon to advance.

You can enlarge a particular area on the x-ray at any time. Simply place the mouse in the general area while holding down the Shift key.

Reposition a Point:

You can adjust a point at any time in the marking process.

  • Place the mouse pointer on the point to adjust. The pointer changes to a hand.
  • Click and drag the point to the correct location.

Turn the Analysis On/Off (remove landmark points):

  • Press the A key to turn the analysis on or off.

Display Enhanced View for x-ray (shown below):

  • Press the E key to turn on or off an enhanced image of the x- ray. Use this view to help in placing landmarks.

Once the hard tissue points have been marked, Tops Cephmate automatically advances to the contour window with the photo dominant. Notice in the upper right corner of the window that the Upper Profile is selected, ready to be marked.

Mark Upper Profile Contours:

  1. Click the Contour tool at the lower left side of the window, if necessary.
  2. Start with the Soft Glabella point. Magnify if needed for a more precise placement. Click to place the first soft tissue point.
  3. Continue to mark the soft tissue upper profile points. The upper profile connects as soon as the next point is set.
  4. Once finished, Tops Cephmate immediately switches to the Lower Profile continue to click and mark the points.

Reposition a Contour Point During Placement:

  1. Place the mouse pointer on the contour point that requires repositioning.
  2. The name of the point will be displayed. Click and drag the point to the new location.

Adjust the Angle of the Contour:

  1. Click on the profile contour. Each point will be displayed with handles connected to each point.
  2. Place the mouse on one of the handles and rotate or drag to modify the angle of the contour.
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