Assign Columns to Chairs in Patient Flow

Do your assistants want to have dedicated columns on your schedule? Here's how to set that up in Patient Flow.

  1. Open Patient Flow; go to Utilities > Patient Flow or press Command Shift F.
  2. Make sure that no patients are seated; the steps below cannot be completed when patients are seated in chairs.
  3. Click the up/down arrow icon on the upper right corner of the Patient Flow chair to open the dropdown menu.

  1. Select Always Place Patients in This Chair from Schedule Column option.
  2. Select the schedule column from the dropdown menu.

  1. Once you have assigned a column to a chair, a lock icon will show on the top left of the chair.
  2. The lock icon means that all future appointments in the selected column will show under this chair.

If you do not assign a column to a chair, then when an assistant seats a patient from a column, the rest of that column will shift to his/her chair in Patient Flow.

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