Introduction to TopsCephMate

TopsCephMate Overview Window

Opening TopsCephMate displays the overview window. At the bottom of this window are several icons that perform specific functions and the overview window is blank. You can open a previously saved patient's file or create a new one. Once a file has been opened, the area to the left displays the patient’s name, timepoints, and any saved treatment plan(s).

TopsCephMate Menu Overview

About TopsCephMate: Displays the current version number of TopsCephMate.

Preferences: Allows options for how TopsCephMate looks and performs.

Check for: Checks for updates to the program.

Services is not utilized.

Hide CephMate: Hides the program.

Hide Others: Hides other programs.

Quit CephMate: Quits the program.

File Menu

  • New Patient from Disk: Creates a new patient's file from a photo and X-ray located on your hard drive.
  • New Patient from Tops Server: Creates a new patient's file from a photo and X-ray within Tops.
  • Open Patient: Opens a previously saved patient's file.
  • Open Recent Patient: Gives quick access to patients' files.
  • Save Patient: Saves the patient in TopsCephMate.
  • Save Patient As: Create a file name and where to save the file.
  • Export Patient to PDF: Exports tracing and superimposition as a PDF.
  • New Analysis: Creates a new custom analysis.
  • Duplicate Analysis: Duplicates one of the standard analyses for customization.
  • Import Analysis: Imports custom analysis.
  • Export Selected Analysis: Exports custom analysis.

Image Set Menu

  • Image Set Info: Edits patient information.
  • Replace Photo: Replaces a photo that matches the X-ray for analysis.
  • Replace X-ray: Replaces an X-ray that matches the photo for analysis.
  • Reposition Photo: Repositions the photo on the X-ray.
  • Reposition X-ray: Repositions the X-ray on the photo.
  • Recalibrate: Allows you to adjust the calibration of your X-ray.
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