Understand TopsPay ACH Reversals
What happens when an ACH payment fails?
- If ACH funds are reversed at the bank level, the amount reversed will automatically be added back to the ledger.
- The patient ledger will show the original ACH amount and the TopsPay Reversal as separate line items. In the ledger note, you will see reference to the reversal date and the date of the original transaction.
- Each TopsPay reversal creates a new line item on the Deposit Slip in the Past Deposits filter. The reversal amount will show in the withdrawn column.
- The Financial Day Sheet and Transactions/AuditTrail will show TopsPay Reversal under the [+] Adjustment filter.
- For a report of all TopsPay reversals you can go to Reports > Transactions of Type and use the TopsPay Reversal transaction type.
- TopsPay ACH reversals will be indicated in parenthesis on the ACH Auto-Pay plan.