Add a Signature to a Letter

Would you like to include your doctor's written signature in a Tops letter template? Here's how:

  1. Ask your doctor to draw his/her signature on a piece of paper.
  2. Scan the signature and save it on your desktop as an image file. The file format is not important at this point.
  3. Open the image file and take a screenshot of the signature. This will allow you to trim it to your desired size.

To take a screenshot on your Mac, press Command Shift 4. Your mouse will become a crosshair icon. Click and drag around the area you wish to capture.

  1. Go to Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Letters/Forms > Letters.
  2. Double-click on the letter template you wish to edit.
  3. Click the Edit Layout... button.
  4. If there is no text box in the template already, create one by clicking on the text box tool. It looks like a scripted A.
  5. Use your mouse to draw a text box.
  6. Click on the arrow tool.
  7. Double-click within the text box to place your cursor.
  8. Click and drag the screenshot of the doctor's signature into the text box.

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