Add a Signature to a Letter
Would you like to include your doctor's written signature in a Tops letter template? Here's how:
- Ask your doctor to draw his/her signature on a piece of paper.
- Scan the signature and save it on your desktop as an image file. The file format is not important at this point.
- Open the image file and take a screenshot of the signature. This will allow you to trim it to your desired size.
To take a screenshot on your Mac, press Command Shift 4. Your mouse will become a crosshair icon. Click and drag around the area you wish to capture.
- Go to Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Letters/Forms > Letters.
- Double-click on the letter template you wish to edit.
- Click the Edit Layout... button.
- If there is no text box in the template already, create one by clicking on the text box tool. It looks like a scripted A.
- Use your mouse to draw a text box.
- Click on the arrow tool.
- Double-click within the text box to place your cursor.
- Click and drag the screenshot of the doctor's signature into the text box.