Move your Tops Server to a New Location

Do you need to move your Tops server due to connectivity issues or a weather event? Please use the checklist below to ensure you can access your practice information after the move.


  • Back up your server on two external backup drives.  A clean and recent backup will save your practice data if there’s a hardware failure. Over the years, we’ve been able to restore Tops in about an hour to practices with good backups. Without a backup, your data can be lost forever.  
  • If you are backing up using Time Machine (which is our required protocol), you will need to connect one external drive, find the Time Machine icon in the menu bar, and select Back Up Now. When the backup is complete, eject this drive, replace it with a second drive, and repeat the process.   
  • Place the two backup drives into separate waterproof containers or zippered plastic bags (one in each bag), to protect them from possible damage. 
  • Take the two external backup drives and give them to two different people to take offsite: 1) one backup drive for the doctor, and 2) one to a trusted staff member.   


Print appointment lists of patients that will be seen for the next week. You will need to include their phone numbers, appointment date and time, procedure, and finances.  You can find this information in Tops under Matrix > Appointments. Enter your date range and then change the column headers to reflect the desired information.  

Server Preparation:

  • Shut down the server using the Tops Server Utility Window. See below.
  • Be sure to take the mouse, keyboard, and monitor - with all connecting cables. 
  • Take server and all accessories to the new location.

Network Setup:

  • Use the related article below Tops Server & Network Requirements to ensure that the server is set up properly for remote connection.
  • If you have any questions, contact Tops Support at 770.627.2527 or [email protected].
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