Tops Ortho 9.9.2

See below for features included in Tops Ortho 9.9.2


  • Improved error reporting to allow offices to identify and correct the errors.
  • Prompted recommendation reporting to display when Provider Information is incorrect.
  • Reduced possible deposit delays.
  • Resolved a condition where the e-Sign feature for OrthoBanc may not complete.

Tops Help

  • Updated Tops Help contact information and schedule in Help > Tops Ortho Help.


  • Added additional compliance parameters to satisfy Card Issuer Requirements for validation of payment method.


  • Added the ability to export referral data to entries activated in Practice Setup > Web/Reminders.

Recall Dates for Australian Offices

  • Resolved a condition where the patient recall date format for Australian practices may not populate correctly.

Recall Matrix

  • Resolved a condition where columns on the Recall Matrix may not sort correctly.

Tops Reminders (TopsDPX)

  • Resolved a condition where patient recall information may not be sent correctly.
  • Resolved a condition where the patient recall appointment type may not be sent correctly.

Gaidge Consult Manager

  • Resolved a condition where information upload to the Gaidge Consult Manager may not populate correctly.

Appointment Matrix

  • Resolved a condition where the Staff Member identifiers for appointment changes used the short name instead of the initials.

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