Cybersecurity and Tops Ortho

We want our practices to feel safe from ransomware attacks and other security threats!

How does Tops Ortho protect our practice information?

  • We take great precautions to protect the data of Tops Ortho clients.  It is a priority we do not take lightly. We have a flawless record of security. All services that Tops Ortho provides are designed with security as a top priority. Every service is secured with strong authentication and encrypted end-to-end. The only item we need a network tech to complete is the opening/forwarding of the ports; we take care of everything from there. 
  • All connections to the Tops Ortho server using ports 22, 5432, and 9125 are encrypted using high-quality encryption. These open ports do not leave the server or any services wide open. The 'house door is locked', and only we have the key. Because we use keys and encrypt all traffic that goes through those doors, it is impossible to steal information or break into a practice's Tops server or its data. However, all of this depends upon the practice of leaving the Tops server and router configured just as we have set them.  

Do we need to set up a firewall?

  • All basic networking equipment, including the modem/router that a cable or other Internet Service Provider gives you when you set up the service, already provides an effective firewall. More expensive equipment does not necessarily provide a firewall that is any more effective than less expensive equipment. 
  • Also, if additional firewall measures are applied and ports are closed, we are unable to access your server, which is critical for our team to be able to support you and monitor your server. If you choose to use a third-party service, they cannot have access to the Tops server, even remotely. Ports must remain open and forwarded to the internal IP address ending in .166. 

How can we protect our practice against ransomware and other cyber attacks?

  • Don't use the Tops Ortho server as a workstation. Ever. This includes email, web surfing, non-Tops file storage etc. 

  • Don't install non-Tops 3rd party software on the server. Ever. 

  • Don't attach any devices directly to the server except the Time Machine backup drives that Team Tops configures. 

  • Make sure the server is running the latest recommended macOS version Team Tops specified. If you are not sure, please call 770.627.2527 and ask to speak with our Integration Team.

  • Most ransomware relies on viruses, which usually spread through web surfing, email or attaching infected devices like personal thumb drives, etc, or worms, which spread automatically over the network. Pretty much all of the known ones are Windows-oriented. Bad guys usually target organizations like hospitals and public agencies that typically have vulnerable machines on premises that are older and out-of-date.  

Can switching to Tops Lightning Cloud further protect our practice?

  • Yes! Lightning Cloud means you'll never have to think about a Tops server again. Data backups are automatic and off-site, so you won’t deal with backup drives. You'll never worry about theft of your server and its data contents, minimizing your HIPAA risks. You and your team can connect to the Lightning Cloud using the internet, no matter what location you’re working from. If you would like more details about Lightning Cloud, call 770.627.2527 and ask to speak with our Integration Team!
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