PCI Compliance and TopsPay

TopsPay helps you stay compliant with Payment Card Industry standards. Here's how:

Orthodontic Businesses in the Payment Card Industry

  • TopsPay offices are categorized as E-Commerce/Online businesses.
  • Orthodontic offices are considered Healthcare/Retailer businesses.

Processing transactions in TopsPay

  • After payment cards are tokenized, TopsPay uses a Virtual Terminal to process payments.

TopsPay and credit card terminals

  • TopsPay does not require credit card terminals; it allows you to save payment information offsite - this means that you don't have to worry about a credit card machine connected to a potentially insecure network.
  • Because of this you do not have to report manufacturer/model of a credit card machine when asked about your TopsPay PCI compliance.

Storing Credit Card information with TopsPay

  • TopsPay stores Credit Card information for you! It is classified as being stored by a third party.
  • With TopsPay, your website is hosted and managed by a PCI compliant provider.
  • When the Credit Card data is collected, it is collected on a PCI DDS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards) validated third party website.

TopsPay transactions and your business

  • Your TopsPay merchant account processes payments for your office location only. It does not process transactions on behalf of other merchants or businesses.

Involvement with third party applications

  • TopsPay does not use third party software such as Google Pay, Venmo, Cash App or Zelle.

Sharing cardholder data with third party service providers

  • What goes in TopsPay stays in TopsPay! TopsPay does not share credit card information with any third party service providers.

TopsPay and network segmentation

  • Tops practices do not have dedicated network for using TopsPay; therefore TopsPay does not utilize network segmentation.
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