Request Doctor in Patient Flow

Is your patient waiting with cheek retractors and you need the doctor right away? You can request the doctor in Patient Flow!

  1. Open Patient Flow; go to Utilities > Patient Flow or press Command Shift F.
  2. Find your patient; if they are not already seated in a chair, click and drag their appointment to place them in a chair.
  3. Select the assistant from the dropdown menu.
  4. Right-click over the patient's name in the chair and select either Request Doctor or Urgently Request Doctor:
    1. Request Doctor will display the doctor's icon over the appointment. It will be still for one minute, and then it will start to revolve.
    2. Urgently Request Doctor will display the doctor's icon over the appointment. It will revolve and jump up and down.
  5. Once the doctor has seen the patient, the assistant can right-click over the appointment and select Cancel Request from the dropdown menu.

The icon that appears will be for the doctor who is assigned to the patient's appointment; this may not necessarily be the patient's assigned doctor.

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