OrthoBanc Postings FAQ
Tops Ortho integrates with OrthoBanc to post payments every month. Below are three common questions about this integration.
When are OrthoBanc payments posted to Tops?
- The Tops Ortho team cannot load payments from OrthoBanc until OrthoBanc sends the deposit report confirming the payments were collected and sent to the doctor. The OrthoBanc deposit schedule is available at any time: OrthoBanc Deposit Schedule
Why are OrthoBanc payments not always posted to Tops on the deposit days?
- Once Tops Ortho receives the deposit report from OrthoBanc, we upload it to your Tops server. If the deposit report does not match the existing autopay plans and amounts, the upload is halted and the deposit report is flagged with errors.
- Errors can occur when:
- A patient makes an OrthoBanc payment on the phone or online.
- An OrthoBanc payment arrangement is initiated by AccepTx Pro
What is the best way to avoid OrthoBanc errors?
- If you start an OrthoBanc account on the OrthoBanc website, make sure to complete the Chart ID field in the Patient Profile.
If more than 10 business days have passed since the OrthoBanc deposit date and you do not see the payments posted in Tops Ortho, please contact Tops Support: