Common Loop e-Filing Errors

Sometimes when you attempt to e-file, you receive error messages. Here are some common errors and what they mean.

If you are attempting to e-file a group of claims and you receive one of these error messages, it means that the error is found in one or more of the claims in the group. For example, if you are attempting to e-file 20 claims, the error may only be in one of them.

Error encountered for segment NM1 while validating loop 1000A

The billing orthodontist entity name exceeds the 35-character limit. If you receive this error, you can contact Tops Support at 770.627.2527 to edit the billing entity name in your practice database.

Error encountered for segment PER while validating loop 1000A

The Insurance Liaison information is missing for the location for which the claim is being submitted. To enter this information, go to Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > eClaim.

Error encountered for segment SBR while validating loop 2000B

The Employer Policy group number exceeds the 30-character limit. Make sure that the group number is accurate.

Error encountered for segment NM1 while validating loop 2010AB

There are two possibilities with this error:

  • The pay-to entity name (box 48 of the claim) exceeds the 35-character limit
  • The pay-to NPI (box 49 of the claim) is not at least 2 characters, or exceeds 80 characters

Error encountered for segment N3 while validating loop 2010BA

The Policy Holder's street address exceeds the 55-character limit. Check the Policy Holder in the patient's chart to see if extra spaces or returns were entered in this field.

Error encountered for segment N3 while validating loop 2010BB

The insurance company's address exceeds the 55-character limit. Check the Employer Policy in the patient's chart to see if extra spaces or returns were entered in this field.

Error encountered for segment N3 while validating loop 2010BA

The Policy Holder's city, state, or zip code contains too many characters. Check the Policy Holder in the patient's chart to see if extra spaces or returns were entered in these fields.

Error encountered for segment NM1 while validating loop 2010BA

One of the following fields does not obey character limits:

  • The Policy Holder's last name must be 1-35 characters
  • The Policy Holder's first name must be 1-25 characters
  • The Policy Holder's middle name must be 1-25 characters
  • The Policy Holder's suffix must be 1-10 characters
  • The Policy Holder's identification code must be 2-80 characters

Error encountered for segment NM1 while validating loop 2010BB

The insurance company name or Payer ID exceeds the 25-character limit. Check the Employer Policy in the patient's chart to see if extra spaces or returns were entered in these fields.

Error encountered for segment N3 while validating loop 2010CA

The patient's street address exceeds the 55-character limit. Check the patient's chart to see if extra spaces or returns were entered in this field.

Error encountered for segment NM1 while validating loop 2330B

The eClaim insurance payer ID is not entered for the previous Employer Policy in the coordination of benefits order. For example, if the payer ID is missing from the primary insurance policy, this error will come up on the claim for the secondary policy.

Error encountered in composite data structure while validating loop 2400

The claim has a fee without the associated CDT code.

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