What file types are accepted in the Tops Ortho Image Browser?
Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpg)
Portable Network Graphic (.png)
Portable Document Format (.pdf)
Why won't my X-ray import?
Tops Ortho no longer supports bitmap (BMP) images. Check your X-ray capture software to see if you can export the files in another format.
How can I add a new Image Importer?
Go to Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Image Importer.
Click the + icon.
A new image importer with the name New Layout will appear in the list. Double-click this item in the list and type in the title.
Double-click on the numbers in the Rows and Columns columns and type in your desired numbers. You will see the grid to the right shrink or grow based on your entries.
On the right pane of the window, open the blue up/down arrows to open the dropdown menus.
Select the Image Labels you wish to add to the Image Importer.
How can I add/remove Image Labels from an existing Image Importer?
Go to Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Image Importer.
Select the Image Importer you wish to edit.
Double-click on the numbers in the Rows and Columns columns and type in your desired numbers. You will see the grid to the right shrink or grow based on your entries.
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