Default Provider Setting

DentalXChange allows practices to select a Default Provider; however, Tops Ortho does NOT recommend this action. When a Default Provider is selected, all claims will be submitted using only that Default Provider's information, which can lead to rejections. Here is how to find out if you have a Default Provider selected for your practice:

  1. Log into your DentalXChange account:
  2. On the top left corner of the screen, click Account.
  3. Under the Practice Profile heading, click Add or Change Providers.
  4. All the providers for your practice will load in a list. Do not be concerned that there are several.
  5. Note the icons in the Actions column to the far right and the Icons Key at the bottom of the list. Both are pictured below.

  1. If you have selected a provider as the Default Provider, you will see them appear with a black silhouette in the Name column and with a black and gray silhouette in the Actions column:

  1. If you see this, please click the black and gray silhouette; it will return to blue and white.
  2. Review your provider list; ensure that all providers display a blue and white silhouette. This means that no one has been selected as a Default Provider, which is recommended.
  3. You're done!
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