Image Editing Tools

A guide to our image editing tools

The editing window opens full screen to take advantage of those big and beautiful Macs. If you don’t like full screen, just hold the Option key when you click Edit Image. Full screen is great for editing images, though.

The editing controls are super-easy to learn and are explained below. You’ll never lose edits because we give a warning if you try to exit without saving. We’ve got your back.

Defining the edit buttons

Export Image allows you to export and save the image to another location.

Edit Image activates the editing buttons and places three lines (one vertical and twi horizontal) on the photo. Reposition the image, not these lines, as they will serve as guides from image to image to ensure size consistency.

Save Image saves your edits.

Restore Original reinstates the photo to the imported version after saving.

Discard Changes reset changes made to your image before saving.

New Lines adds a movable horizontal line to the image, which can be used as a reference point.

Clear Lines removes the horizontal lines.   

Square up Image: click to square up the image, which creates a perfectly squared image for optimal framing and viewing. Adds black area to the photo to create a 1:1 aspect ratio. When editing is complete, the added area will not be visible unless images are being shot too closely.

Flip horizontal: click this button to flip the image on its horizontal axis.

Flip vertical: click this button to flip the image on its vertical axis.

90 degree rotation: click this button to rotate the image precisely 90 degrees

Zoom/Crop tool: use this tool to zoom in and out; once you save your changes your image will be cropped

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