Add Charge to Fee Schedule

Complete the following instructions to add customized charges to your patient ledgers.

  1. Go to Tops Ortho > Practice Setup.
  2. Type your password and click OK.
  3. Go to Fee Schedule.
  4. Type your password and click OK.
  5. A list of default items display in Account Transaction Type. Do NOT delete or edit items in this list that have a Meaning entered. These entries are tied to insurance and editing them causes issues with your claims.
  6. Click the + icon.
  7. In the Label field, type a name for your charges. Note: The Meaning field is not available for customized charges.
  8. Check the box for Exclude from Insurance Claims if you do not want this item to display when you generate a date-range claim.
  9. In the Insurance Code field, type information, if needed.
  10. In the Fee field, type an amount. Note: The new item is now listed as an option in the Transaction window.

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