Open or Close a Schedule Day
Alter a single day on the schedule.
Open a previously closed day:
- Go to Day > Appointment Book.
Click the mosiac tile icon.
- Type your password and click OK.
- Click within the Template field.
- Select the Template from the dropdown menu.
- Click the radio button for Open.
Click OK.
- Click the mosaic tile icon to stop editing. Note: The day is now viewable in your appointment book.
Close a previously open day:
- Go to Day > Appointment Book.
- Click the mosiac tile icon.
- Type your password and click OK.
- Click within the Template field.
- Select the template from the dropdown menu.
- Click the radio button for Closed.
Click OK.
- Click the mosaic tile icon to stop editing. Note: The day is now closed in your appointment book.
You can also use this colorful mosaic tile icon to simply add or remove columns for a single day (such as when an assistant calls in sick!). Just open up the schedule background, use the Add Column and Remove Column buttons on the top right, then click the mosaic icon again!