Add a Staff Member to Single Sign-On

When you add new staff members to Tops Ortho, it's important to add them to Single Sign-On. This grants them access to features in your Comm menu (Tops Reminders and Messaging) as well as Off-the-Charts (Patient Rewards Hub, Braces Academy, etc.)

How to add a new staff member to Single Sign-On:

  1. Go to Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Single Sign-On.

  2. Select the service for which you wish to add the staff member's credentials (Tops Reminders, Braces Academy, Invisalign, Patient Rewards Hub, Messaging, suresmile, EasyRx, Gaidge Analytics, iTero, or TopsPay portal).
  3. If all staff members use the same username and password (this is common for Tops Reminders and the TopsPay portal), highlight the name of an employee already in the list and click on the duplicate icon (see below).
  4. If the staff member has unique credentials, click the + icon.

  1. A window will display; select the name of the staff member you would like to add. Press Tab.
  2. If applicable, check off which office locations the staff member will need to access.
    1. If you used the duplicate tool, you will see the credentials auto-fill; click Add Password.
    2. If you are adding unique credentials, carefully enter the username and password. Click Add Password.
  3. The new employee will now appear in the list. They should now be able to access this service by entering their Tops password only.
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