Void a Transaction

Did you enter a transaction in error? Here is how to void in Tops Ortho:

1. Verify that you have been granted permission to view the Financial Day Sheet and void transactions.

For an explanation of permissions, see the related article Staff Permissions below.

2. Open the patient ledger; find the transaction.

3. If you see a checkmark next to the transaction, it has been deposited and cannot be voided. You will need to enter an account adjustment.

4. If the transaction has not yet been marked deposited, go to Matrix > Financial Day Sheet.

5. Enter the date of the transaction in the window on the top left.

6. Enter your Tops Ortho password.

7. This window will come up:

8. Keep the radio button on Void this transaction.

9. Enter a note (such as "payment entered in the wrong chart") and click OK.

10. The transaction will remain in the Financial Day Sheet but will show as crossed out. The staff member who voided it will display in the Voiding Staff column.

11. Navigate back to the patient ledger; the transaction will be removed completely.

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