Set Up Your Outgoing Mail Server

The SMTP Server is the outgoing mail server you use to send emails from your office through your office email account. The information is provided by your office email host. The outgoing mail server could also be provided by a third party like Sesame or bLink.

  1. Go to Tops Ortho > Practice Setup.
  2. The Info page will display. Select Edit SMTP Server List from the Outgoing Mail Server dropdown menu.
  3. Below the table on the setup sheet, click the + icon.

  1. Enter the following:
    1. Outgoing mail server’s Server Name (usually in the format of
    2. Port. Port 587 works fine most of the time.
    3. User Name. This is usually your office email address.
    4. Password. This is usually your office email account password.
  2. Check the appropriate security and authentication options.

If you do not know all of the information, please contact your office email provider. Using the wrong settings will cause your emails from Tops not to be sent.

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