Reset Applied Templates

Does the "Reset Applied Templates" button make you nervous? Here's how it works:

  1. Go to Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Calendar > Schedule Templates.
  2. The Schedule Templates window shows all templates you have created.
    1. Give your templates specific, descriptive names.
    2. Give your templates short names; this way it will be easy to see if templates have been applied to days in the Calendar view below.
    3. The frequency you assign to each template is important; this is a "rule" that Tops Ortho will follow when you reset your applied templates.
  3. You can add a template using the + icon at the bottom of the window.
  4. You can remove a template using the minus icon at the bottom of the window.
  5. When you are ready, click Reset Applied Templates. This window will display:

  1. If you wish to apply your templates/rules from today forward, click Reset.
  2. If you wish to apply your templates/rules for a specific time period, click the button that says on an after MM/DD/YYYY. When you do this a calendar will pop up and you can select your date range.


  • If you feel nervous about your templates, reset your applied templates for only one week at first. Review to make sure everything looks right, then reset them for a longer time period.
  • Keep in mind that resetting your applied templates will not erase existing appointments. For example, if you apply a 9am-5pm template to a day where a patient is already scheduled for an 8:00am appointment, the template will "stretch" to still show the existing appointment.
  • Before clicking on "Reset Applied Templates," check all of your frequencies. When you reset applied templates, Tops Ortho will apply ALL the frequencies listed. If two templates are applied to the same day of the week, Tops Ortho will apply the default schedule to that day.
  • If you reset templates for a long time period, it will take a while! It will also slow down Tops for other users. For this reason, it is best to do this at lunch or at the end of the patient day.
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