Apply Templates Manually

Not a fan of the Reset Applied Templates button? You can apply templates manually instead!

Go to Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Calendar > Schedule Templates. The Schedule Templates window shows all templates you have created.

  • Closed days will show as light blue.
  • Open days will show as dark blue.
  • If you see a dot on a day, it means that there are conflicting settings applied to that day, such as it is marked closed but it has a template applied to it.
  • If you have given your templates short names, you will see the short name appear on the days to which it has been applied.
  • To apply a template to a specific day, place your cursor over it; a gear wheel icon will appear in the top left corner.
  • Click the gear wheel and a dropdown menu of templates will display.
  • Click on your desired template to apply it to that day.
  • Use the dropdown menu at the top to change the location.
  • Use the arrow icons to move back and forth by month.

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