About macOS Updates and Upgrades

Periodically, Apple releases updates (i.e. small, security-based improvements) and upgrades (i.e. large, operating system modifications) for macOS. Here are some helpful terms:

Updates help to continuously keep your data safe from hackers. Moving from macOS Big Sur 11.6 to macOS Big Sur 11.6.1 is an update.

Upgrades, however, often include system changes that could cause Tops Ortho to act differently. Moving from macOS Ventura (macOS 13) to macOS Sonoma (macOS 14) is an upgrade.

To get the best experience with Tops Ortho, wait for Tops to give the go-ahead to download macOS upgrades!

Frequently Asked Questions:

My workstation computer says an upgrade is available to a new macOS. When should I upgrade?

When Apple releases a new macOS (operating system), the Tops Software development team spends weeks ensuring its compatibility with Tops. Next, we’ll give you the go-ahead via p1nk to let you know it’s OK to upgrade your workstation.

Note: p1nk upgrade announcements are specific to each workstation. Check the p1nk announcements on each workstation for the go-ahead to proceed with the new macOS upgrade.

Why should I update or upgrade workstations?

Upgrades give you more than a few new features; they also include bug fixes. Updates primarily include bug fixes and fixes for security vulnerabilities. macOS bugs can prevent Tops from operating as intended.

Updating as soon as possible (by turning Automatic Updates on) helps secure the data on your workstations. However, upgrading your workstation to a new macOS before Tops updates and gives you the all-clear to upgrade your workstation could cause Tops and other apps to “act weird.”

What should I consider when upgrading?

  • Tops will always take the necessary steps to evaluate each new operating system’s compatibility with Tops. That’s why we send you the “all clear” to download new macOS upgrades.
  • Prior to upgrading to a new macOS, Tops recommends verifying compatibility with your practice’s imaging equipment and software, scanners, and any applications that are critical to daily operation.
  • Tops cannot guarantee that other systems, applications, equipment, or hardware connected to your workstation(s) will perform without interruption or issues after upgrading. If upgrading is not recommended by older applications or software on your workstation, consider moving them to a different workstation that isn't running Tops Ortho.

What happens if I choose not to upgrade even after I get the "all clear" in p1nk?

  • It's likely that not upgrading after getting the "all clear" will leave your systems vulnerable to known security threats. You could also sacrifice usability with other apps due to unfixed bugs.
  • Over time, skipping several macOS updates will result in technical support ending for certain software.

What if I want to upgrade now, before Tops Ortho gives the "all-clear"?

  • If you want to upgrade your workstation before receiving the "all-clear" in p1nk, use the strategy in related article macOS Upgrade Strategy.
  • DO NOT upgrade the macOS on your Tops server until we announce that it is okay to do so. Always. No exceptions.

What if my computer is so old I can't upgrade to the latest macOS?

  • If you cannot upgrade to the latest version of macOS, trying to install the most recent version compatible with your system. The best-case scenario is that you're able to upgrade to a version still supported by Apple security updates.
  • Tops Total Package is our hardware program with offerings ranging from Apple products to office solutions such as iPad stands, scanners, printers, and more.
  • Contact us today to learn about your hardware upgrade options: 770.627.2527.
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