Write Off a Balance
When you know you will not receive payment for a patient balance or you are sending the debt to collections, you need to write off the balance. Here's how to do this in Tops Ortho:
- Open the patient's chart: go to View > Patient Info... or press Command I.
- If the contract is not yet deactivated, see the related articles below: Deactivate a Contract Without Insurance and Deactivate a Contract With Insurance. If the contract is already deactivated and the entire balance is in the patient's Due Now, proceed to step 3.
- In the example below, the patient never paid for her treatment. We deactivated her contract and the full $5000.00 treatment fee is in her Due Now.

- We need to write off the entire $5000.00 balance.
- Open the New Transactions window: go to Action > New Transaction or press Command T.
- Ensure that you are on the correct Account holder; this field is to the right of the patient's name in the New Transactions window.
- In the Fee/Payment type field, select [-] Account Adjustment. You will have to enter your Tops Ortho password.
- In the window that displays next, select the most appropriate description of this adjustment.
- Click Use Selected Adjustment Type.
- Enter the amount to write off. Press Tab.
- Enter a note explaining what happened. It's always a good idea to include your initials.
- Press Tab.
- Click Process Charges and Payments.
- The Due Now should now be zero. You will see the transaction in Matrix > Financial Day Sheet under [-] Account Adjustments. This adjustment will factor into your Net Production. See related article Calculate Net Production and Net Collections below.