Calculate Net Production and Net Collections
Accountant asking for net figures? No problem!
Get started by going to Reports > Production/Collections. The figures below are based on the example Production/Collections report for Dr. Eugenio Martins:
Net Figure Calculations:
Net Production
$51,580.00 Gross Production
+500.00 Add [+] Contract Adj
-125.00 Subtract [-] Contract Adj
-310.00 Subtract [-] Adj (Discounts given)
$51,645.00 Net Production
Net Collections (Payments)
$13,508.54 Gross Collections (Included is the below $125.00 originally collected.)
-125.00 Subtract the [+] Adj (Declined CC, no funds collected.)
$13,383.54 Net Collections
Net Fees (Charges)
$18,204.21 Gross Fees (Included is the below 310.00 discount originally charged.)
-310.00 Subtract the [-]Adj (Discounts given)
$17,894.21 Net Fees