How Late Fees Work

If your practice would like to use late fees, here is how they work in Tops Ortho.

Example practice:

  • Minimum Late Payment Fee = $25.00
  • Late Fee Percentage = 10%
  • Charge Date = 1 (The first day of the month; this is the most common date that practices charge contract fees)
  • Grace Days = 26 (The number of days that can pass before the patient is considered "late")
  • Statement Date = 28 (The day statements will generate; the 28th day of the month)
  • Last Day Statements Cover = 28
The settings above can be changed in Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Defaults

How late fees will work with example above:

  • Add the Charge Date (1) plus Grace Days (26) plus 1 day for rollover = 28. So the 28th of the month is when late fees will be posted, at the very end of the day (midnight).
  • The statements are ready to print the morning of the 29th, but will be dated the 28th, along with late fees applied.
  • If a practice has both a Late Payment Fee amount AND a Late Fee Percentage entered, Tops Ortho will charge the larger amount. For example, if a patient has $100.00 in their due now, Tops Ortho will charge a $25.00 late fee rather than a $10.00 late fee.
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