Reverse a Late Fee

Late fees post automatically at rollover. If you wish to reverse a late fee for a patient, it's easy to do in Tops Ortho!

  1. Open the patient's chart; go to View > Patient Info or press Command I.
  2. Open the Contracts/Ledgers tab. Review the late fees posted to the patient's ledger and determine which one(s) you wish to reverse. You do not need to select them in the ledger.

  1. Open the New Transactions window; go to Action > New Transaction or press Command T.
  2. In the field to the right of the patient's name, select the Account with the late fee you wish to reverse.
  3. In the Fee/Payment Type dropdown menu, select Reverse Late Fee. Press Tab.
  4. You will be prompted for your Tops Ortho password; reversing a late fee is a staff permission.
  5. This window will display. Late fees that have already been reversed will show as grayed out.

  1. Select the first late fee you wish to reverse and click Use Selected Late Fee. You can only reverse one late fee at a time.
  2. Enter a note, such as "Mom agreed to catch up on account." It's always a good idea to include your initials. Press Tab.
  3. Click Process Charges and Payments.
  4. The original late fee will remain on the ledger, but the reversal will appear as a new line item and decrease the Due Now amount. In our example, the Due Now decreased from $440.00 to $430.00 after the reversal.

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