Referrals Analysis Report

The Referrals Analysis report provides a snapshot of referrals from the past year. It shows the number of patients referred in as well as income generated from the referrals.

  1. Go to Reports > Referrals Analysis.
  2. The available filters are:
    1. Date: Enter your desired date range.
    2. Analyze by: Options are Analyze by Referral Date, Analyze by Treatment Start Date, and Analyze by Patient First Seen Date.
    3. Orthodontist
    4. Office
  3. Once you have set your filters, click Run Report.

  • The first column displays the referral sources. What displays here depends on how your practice enters your Referrers in Tops Ortho; these could be current or past patients, doctors, or they could be general terms like website.
  • The second column is the Referrer Category; click on this heading to group categories together.
  • The number directly to the right of the Referrer Category is the number of patients they have referred to you in the date range entered.
  • The dollar amount to the right of the number of referrals is the production generated from the referrals in the date range entered.
  • If there is no money associated with a referral, it may mean the patient is scheduled for an exam and has not yet activated a contract.
  • Scroll to the right to see the number of referrals and production generated for each referrer by month.
  • To bring the largest numbers to the top of the report, click the # or the date headings. This is an easy way to identify your top referrers for a time period!
Referrals Analysis Report sorted by production generated
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