Appointment Search Feature
Searching for that perfect appointment time? Let Tops Ortho do the work!
Set up Appointment Types and Groups
- Go to Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Calendar > Appointment Groups.
- Create Appointment Groups for broad categories of appointments. Assign them distinct colors.
- Navigate to the Appointment Types tab.
- Move down the list of Appointment Types and ensure that each one is assigned to an Appointment Group. If an Appointment Type is not assigned to an Appointment Group, it will not be searchable.
Build Your Schedule Templates
- Go to Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Calendar > Schedule Templates.
- Click the + icon to add a new template.
- Add or remove columns.
- Draw appointment group blocks to build your template.
- Set the template's frequency and click Save Days Used.
- For more detailed instructions, see related article, Create Schedule Templates, below.
Use the Appointment Search Feature from Patient Flow
- Go to Utilities > Patient Flow or press Command Shift F.
- The clinical staff will see the patient and enter the Next Procedure information:
- Procedure
- Wait Time
- Duration
- The clinical staff will mark the patient Done, which will move the patient profile to the Reception view of Patient Flow. To open Patient Flow, go to Utilities > Patient Flow or press Command Shift F.
- Click the patient profile; a drawer will open to the side or bottom of the Patient Flow window.
- You will see the Next Procedure information; click Search for Next Appointment.
- The Appointment Search window will display. It will display appointments based on the Next Procedure information the clinical staff entered.
- To customize your options, try the following:
- Place checkmarks on the days of the week that the patient would like to be scheduled.
- Place checkmark only on Mornings or Afternoons.
- Click the up and down arrows to change the appointment Duration.
- Click the -7 button on the top right to see appointments a week earlier than the prescribed wait time.
- Click the +7 button on the top right to see appointments a week later than the prescribed wait time.
- When you see day and time that work, double-click it on the list.
- The appointment book will jump to that day and Tops Ortho will draw the appointment on the schedule.
- You will have a chance to edit information in the Appointment information window before committing. When you are ready, click OK.
- That's it! The patient is scheduled!
Use the Appointment Search Feature from the Action Menu or Keyboard
- Go to Action > Make New Appointment... or press Command U.
- Search the patient's name in the window that displays; select the patient from the results and click OK.
- The Appointment Search window will display; use the steps above to customize your search options and schedule the appointment.