Create a Custom Contact List for TopsDPX

You can create custom contact lists for text Broadcasts and email campaigns! Here's how:

  1. Go to Matrix > Patients.
  2. Set your filters. For example, do you want to reach out to everyone in Active Treatment status? Want to send a special bulletin to all of your Monitor Development - Not Ready for Initial Tx patients?
  3. Click Search.

  1. In the first blank column, click the arrows and select Phone A.
  2. Click the Phone A heading to filter the numbers to the top of the list.

  1. Click the upload icon in the upper right corner and select Export to spreadsheet. Note: You will need to enter your Tops Ortho password.
  2. You will be prompted to name your .txt file. Give it a memorable name and save it to your desktop.
  3. Right-click on the .txt file on your desktop and select Open With. Select Numbers or Excel.

  1. Follow the instructions for your selection:
    1. In Numbers, go to File > Export to > CSV and follow the prompts to save the file.
    2. In Excel, go to File > Save As. In the File Format dropdown, select Comma Separated Values (.csv).  Save the file.
  2. The file you have saved can be uploaded to DPX for text broadcast or email campaign.

There is a 500 contact limit for .csv files uploaded to TopsDPX. You may need to separate your lists and upload them separately. See related article "Contact List > 500 Contacts" below.

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