TopsDPX Phone Label Logic

Not sure how TopsDPX pulls phone numbers from the patient chart? Here's your guide!

Texting Logic:

  • TopsDPX will search Account 1 field, then Account 2 field for the first phone number with a label of SMS. If it finds one, the reminder text will go to that number.
  • Within in each field, TopsDPX searches top left, top right, then bottom left.
  • If neither Account Holder has a label of SMS, then the Patient field is checked for an SMS label; if the Patient field contains an SMS label, then the reminder text will go to that number.
  • If neither Account Holder nor Patient fields have any numbers with SMS labels, TopsDPX checks Account 1, then Account 2 for a label of Mobile or Cell from left to right in order.
  • Finally, if neither Account Holder fields nor Patient fields reflect any approved labels for sending Reminders, TopsDPX will attempt to use the phone number listed as Phone 1 in the Patient field. If this number is a textable number, TopsDPX will use it even if it has the Home label.

Updating Numbers and Preferences:

  • When you update a patient's texting number, the number will update in TopsDPX at rollover as long as the patient has a future appointment or recall scheduled within the next 30 days.
  • When you update a patient's reminder preferences (SMS or email) their preferences will update in TopsDPX at rollover as long as the patient has a future appointment or recall scheduled within the next 30 days.
  • Once a patient has an appointment or recall in the next 30 days, their information in TopsDPX will update to match their information in Tops Ortho.

See additional approved labels that can be used for Reminders in Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Labels > Phone.  The meaning of the label will show if it can be used for SMS Reminders. 

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