Image Editing Quick Reference Guide
Quick guide to post in your clinic or use for your own internal training materials! We got you!
Image Editing
S.P.U.R.S— Square up—You only square Portraits and Occlusions
Using Guidelines:
Portrait Smiling/Portrait Relaxed Lip
- Vertical line bisects the midline
- Upper horizontal line bisects the pupils
- Lower horizontal line rests at the base of the nose
Portrait Profile
- Vertical line intersects the upper horizontal at the temple
- Upper horizontal line bisects the pupils
- Lower horizontal line rests at the base of the nose
Maxillary/Mandibular Occlusal - Flip Vertically First
- Vertical line bisects the midline
- Upper horizontal line is between the 1st and 2nd bicuspids (dependent upon
dentition and any missing teeth)
- Size up to where molar to molar arch form is visible
Frontal Intraoral
- Vertical line bisects the midline
- Upper horizontal line is at the occlusal plane (use posterior as guide)
- Lower horizontal line is at chosen gingival margin reference (cuspid or incisor)
Right/Left Intramural - Flip If Use Buccal Mirrors
- Vertical line bisects the upper cuspid
- Upper horizontal line is at the occlusal plane (use posterior as guide)
- Lower horizontal line at the gingival margin reference point you chose from the
frontal shot 1