The Practice Monitor

The Tops Ortho Practice Monitor is a real-time statistics reporting window that provides a snapshot of your practice's performance.

About the Practice Monitor

  • The significance of statistics generated by the Practice Monitor is determined by you, and, if applicable, your practice consultant. Tops Ortho does not offer advice on what the statistics in your practice should be.
  • Statistics are generated from very specific information from within Tops Ortho. These data- retrieval methods are fixed for the listed statistics.
  • Not every statistic has a corresponding report.
  • The Practice Monitor’s statistics are only as good as the original information entered into Tops Ortho.

Opening and Viewing the Practice Monitor:

  • Go to Reports > Practice Monitor.
  • The report is for the entire practice (All Offices and All Doctors); the Practice Monitor does not differentiate between offices or doctors.
  • Statistics show as Loading... until calculations are complete.
  • Statistics populate in real-time.
  • Press the single arrow icons to move one month earlier (<) or later (>).
  • Press the double arrow icons to move one year earlier (<<) or later (>>)
  • To compare points in time, open multiple report windows and use arrows to navigate.


# Accounts with Balance

The number of accounts with an amount greater than zero for the Total Balance. This is also known as the remaining balance on the patient’s contract.

# Accounts Overpaid +

The number of accounts in which the amount paid on the account is greater than the total balance.

# Accounts Total =

The total of the number of accounts with a balance plus the number of accounts that have been overpaid.

# Delinquent Accounts

The number of past due accounts. This is the total number of accounts that have a charge that has aged at least 31 days. (This does not represent accounts with a charge in the 0-30 days column; these accounts are considered past due, but not delinquent).

% Del Accts/Accts w Bal

The percentage of accounts with a delinquent balance.


# Active Adults

The number of patients 18 years or older who are not checked as Dismissed in the Patient Information window.

# Active Children

The number of patients younger than 18 who are not checked as Dismissed in the Patient Information window.

# Extended Tx

The number of patients in which the time elapsed from the treatment start date is greater than the Treatment Plan’s Treatment Length Max and in which there is no Treatment End Date in the Patient Information window. This figure also includes patients whose total treatment time elapsed exceeds the Treatment Length Max figure. This includes both active and inactive patients.

Tracking Extended Treatment

  1. Always enter a Tx Start Date for patients!
  • Type the appropriate date in the Status/Notes/Alert tab, center section, OR
  • Have Tops automatically enter a patient’s Tx Start Date based upon the settings for Appointment Types (Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Calendar > Appointment Types).
  1. Always enter the Tx Length Max Months.
    • Type the appropriate number in Patient Information > Clinical > Dx/Tx Plan.

# Past Due Recalls

The number of recalls manually created by a staff member that do not have scheduled appointments by the recall target date. This does not include recalls created automatically by Patient Flow and the Tops rollover due to a missed appointment. This also does not include recalls that have an appointment scheduled, unless it’s scheduled after the Recall Target Date.

# Recall Patients

The number of patients who have had a recall manually created for them by a staff member, and whose target date is after the beginning of the Practice Monitor report date but before the ending of the Practice Monitor report date. This does not include recalls created automatically by Patient Flow and the Tops rollover due to a missed appointment. This also does not include recalls that have an appointment scheduled.

# Pts. - No Appt or No Recall

The number of patients who do not have an appointment scheduled and do not have a recall. Patients included in this figure are shown in the Active Patients Without Appointment or Recall report.


# Referrals-In

The number of referrals created for the month-to-date on the Practice Monitor. This is the total number of times a referral was added to the database for the month shown.

# Dentist Referrals-In

The number of referrals created specifically by dentists.

% Dentist Referrals-In

The percentage of total referrals from dentists.

% Dent Refer-In 3Mon

The percentage of total referrals from dentists over the last three months, based on the month selected for the Practice Monitor.


# Sched. Appointments

The number of appointments scheduled for the given Practice Monitor month. This total includes any appointment with a status of Pending, Completed or Missed, and an appointment creation date different from the appointment date. This total includes appointments created by rescheduling that were not rescheduled for the same date as the original appointments.

# Failed Appointments

The number of appointments created for the Practice Monitor month with status of Missed, and in which the appointment was not created on the same day it was scheduled.


The number of appointments created for the designated month with status of Cancelled by Patient or Rescheduled by Patient, and in which the appointment was not created on the same date it was scheduled.

# Sched. Emergencies

The number of appointments labeled as emergencies scheduled during the month shown on the Practice Monitor. An “emergency” is determined by:

  • The Emergency box checked as part of the Appointment Type settings in Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Calendar > Appointment Types.
  • The checked Emergency box in a patient’s Appointment information window.
  • A number greater than zero has been selected for the Broken Appliance field in the patient’s Treatment Notes.

# Unsched. Emergencies

The total number of appointments labeled as Emergency scheduled during the Practice Monitor month, but placed in the appointment book on the same date as the regular appointment date. This figure also includes any appointment in which there is an entry in the Broken Appliance field of the patient's Treatment Notes.

# New Patient Exams

The number of appointments scheduled during the designated month labeled as New Patient Exam. A New Patient Exam is determined by checking Count as New Patient Exam for the Appointment Type in Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Calendar > Appointment Types.

# Patient Days

The number of days during the Practice Monitor month in which patient appointments were scheduled.

Starts, Finishes, and Case Acceptance

Case Acceptance

Patients who completed a New Patient Exam, and those who have a recorded Start Date. These patients may not be one and the same.

% Case Acceptance

The percentage of New Patient Exam appointments for the chosen Practice Monitor period that resulted in Case Acceptance. The Case Acceptance percentage for a single month may not be a true reflection, since many patients complete the New Patient Exam in a system month before the start date month. (See next item for a more accurate reflection of Case Acceptance).

% Accept 3 Mon Avg

The percentage of New Patient Exam appointments for the given Practice Monitor month and the previous three months that resulted in Case Acceptance.

# New Starts

The number of patients who have recorded a Start Date within the chosen Practice Monitor month.

# Case Finishes

The number of patients with a Finish Date recorded in the Patient Information window within the chosen Practice Monitor month.

# Starts/Finishes

The ratio of starts to finishes for the date reported by the Practice Monitor.

Case Totals

# Active Cases

The number of patients with a Start Date recorded, but no Finish Date recorded at the time the Practice Monitor report was created.

# Adult Full Tx Cases

The first number:

The number of cases in which Treatment Phase is listed as Comprehensive Treatment and has a start date that reflects the given month on the Practice Monitor. This only includes patients aged 18.0 years or older at the reporting time.

The second number:

The number of cases where Treatment Phase is listed as Comprehensive Treatment and patients are 18.0 years of age or older as of the Practice Monitor reporting date.

# Child Full Tx Cases:

The first number:

The number of cases in which Treatment Phase is listed as Comprehensive Treatment and has a start date that reflects the given month on the Practice Monitor. This only includes those younger than 18.0 years of age at the reporting time.

The second number:

The number of cases in which the Treatment Phase is listed as Comprehensive Treatment and the patient is younger than 18.0 years of age as of the Practice Monitor reporting date.

# Child Phase II Cases

The first number:

The number of cases in which the Treatment Phase is listed as Comprehensive Second Phase Treatment and has a start date that reflects the chosen month on the Practice Monitor. This includes those younger than 18.0 years at the reporting time, as well as those without a date of birth recorded in the Patient Information window.

The second number:

The number of cases in which the Treatment Phase is listed as Comprehensive Second Phase Treatment and the patient is younger than 18.0 years of age as of the Practice Monitor reporting date. This also includes those without a date of birth recorded in the Patient Information window.

# Child Phase I Cases

The first number:

The number of cases in which the Treatment Phase is listed as Interceptive First Phase of Two-Phase Treatment and has a start date that reflects the chosen month on the Practice Monitor.This includes those younger than 18.0 at the reporting time, as well as those without a date of birth recorded in the Patient Information window.

The second number:

The total number of cases in which the Treatment Phase is listed as Interceptive First Phase of Two-Phase Treatment and age less than 18.0 years as of the Practice Monitor reporting date. This also includes those who do not have a date of birth recorded in the Patient Information window.

# Invisalign Cases

The first number:

The number of cases in which the Treatment Method is listed as Invisalign and has a start date that reflects the given month on the Practice Monitor.

The second number:

The number of cases in which the Treatment Method is listed as Invisalign as of the Practice Monitor reporting date.

# Limited Cases

The first number:

The number of cases in which the Treatment Phase is listed as Limited Treatment and has a start date that reflects the given month on the Practice Monitor.

The second number:

The number of cases in which the Treatment Phase is listed as Limited Treatment as of the Practice Monitor reporting date.

# SureSmile Cases

The first number:

The number of cases in which the Treatment Method is listed as SureSmile and has a start date that reflects the selected month on the Practice Monitor.

The second number:

The number of cases in which the Treatment Method is listed as SureSmile as of the Practice Monitor reporting date.

# Surgical Cases

The first number:

The number of cases in which the Treatment Phase is listed as Comprehensive Surgical-Orthodontic Treatment and has a start date that reflects the given month on the Practice Monitor

The second number:

The number of cases in which the Treatment Phase is listed as Comprehensive Surgical-Orthodontic Treatment as of the Practice Monitor reporting date.

# TMD Cases

The first number:

The number of cases in which the Treatment Phase is listed as TMD Treatment and has a start date that reflects the given month on the Practice Monitor.

The second number:

The number of cases in which the Treatment Phase is listed as TMD Treatment as of the Practice Monitor reporting date.


# Contracts

The number of Active contracts as of the Practice Monitor reporting date. An Active contract is defined as a contract in which the Initial Fee has been charged, but not the final monthly payment.

Avg Adult Fee-Full Tx

The average contract total/fee for Full Adult Treatment for patients whose Treatment Phase is listed as Comprehensive Treatment and who are 18.0 years of age or older for the Practice Monitor reporting month.

Avg Child Fee-Full Tx

The average contract total/fee for Full Child Treatment for patients whose Treatment Phase is listed as Comprehensive Treatment and who are younger than 18.0 years of age for the Practice Monitor reporting month. This also includes those without a date of birth recorded in the Patient Information window and whose whose Treatment Phase is listed as Comprehensive Treatment.

Avg Child Fee-Phase II

The average contract total/fee for Full Phase II for patients whose Treatment Phase is listed as Comprehensive Second Phase Treatment and who are younger than 18.0 years of age for the Practice Monitor reporting month. This also includes anyone without a date of birth recorded in the Patient Information window and whose Treatment Phase is listed as Comprehensive Second Phase Treatment.

Avg Child Fee-Phase I

The average contract total/fee for Full Phase I for patients whose Treatment Phase is listed as Interceptive First Phase of Two-Phase Treatment and who are younger than 18.0 years of age for the Practice Monitor reporting month. This also includes anyone without a date of birth recorded in the Patient Information window and whose Treatment Phase is listed as Interceptive First Phase of Two-Phase Treatment.

Avg Invisalign Fee

The average contract total/fee for Full Adult Treatement for patients whose Treatment Method is listed as Invisalign for the Practice Monitor reporting month.

Avg Limited Tx Fee

The average contract total/fee charged for Full Adult Treatment or Full Child Treatment for patients whose Treatment Phase is listed as Limited Treatment for the Practice Monitor reporting month.

Avg. SureSmile Tx Fee

The average contract total/fee for Full Adult Treatment for patients whose Treatment Method is listed as SureSmile for the Practice Monitor reporting month.

Avg Surgical Tx Fee

The average contract total/fee charged for Full Surgical Treatment for patients whose Treatment Phase is listed as Comprehensive Surgical-Orthodontic Treatment for the Practice Monitor reporting month.

Avg TMD Fee

The average contract total/fee for Full TMD Treatment for patients with Treatment Method listed as TMD Treatment for the Practice Monitor reporting month.


$ Prev Accts Rec

The total reported as Accounts Receivable for the month before the Practice Monitor reporting date.

$ Production +

The total reported as Production for the Practice Monitor reporting month.

Production is the total of any non-voided transactions that are fees or payments, or are an increase or decrease in contract value.

$ Collections - 

The total reported as Collections for the Practice Monitor reporting month.

Collections are the total dollar amount of payments posted to Tops Ortho.

$ [+] Contract Adj +

The total reported as [+] Contract Adjustments for the Practice Monitor reporting month.

[+] Contract Adj + is any change in a contract schedule that increases a patient’s contract total.

$ [-] Contract Adj - 

The total reported as [-] Contract Adjustments for the Practice Monitor reporting month.

[-] Contract Adj - is any change in a contract schedule that decreases a patient’s contract total.

$ [+] Adjustments +

The total reported as [+] Adjustments for the Practice Monitor reporting month.

[+] Adjustment + is any transaction that increases a patient’s total balance.

$ [-] Adjustments -

The total reported as [-] Adjustments for the Practice Monitor reporting month.

[-] Adjustment is any transaction that decreases a patient’s total balance.

$ Accounts Rec =

The total reported as Accounts Receivable for the Practice Monitor reporting month.

Accounts Receivable is the total of Expected Insurance plus Future Due, plus Past Due, minus Pre-paid amounts.

% Collection/Production

The percentage of the Production total that was actually collected for the Practice Monitor reporting month.

% Acct Rec/Production

The percentage of the Production total that is the Accounts Receivable for the Practice Monitor reporting month.

Accounts Receivable

$ Accounts Rec

The total reported as Accounts Receivable for the Practice Monitor reporting month.

Accounts Receivable is the total of Expected Insurance plus Future Due, plus Past Due, minus Pre-paid amounts.

$ Expected Ins

The total expected to be paid by insurance companies for the Practice Monitor reporting month. This number is reflected in the Expected Insurance amount in each patient’s contract.

$ Future Due

The total yet to be charged for every patient contract for the Practice Monitor reporting month.

$ Pre-Paid

The total that has been paid ahead on patient contracts, resulting in a Due Now credit for the Practice Monitor reporting month. This is only applicable to active contracts.

$ Current & Past Due

The total considered Due Now, both currently due and past due 0-30, 30-60, 60-90, and 90+ days for the Practice Monitor reporting month. This is reflected in the patient’s Due Now field of his contract snapshot.

$ 0 - 30

The total considered Due Now that is Past Due between 0 and 30 days for the Practice Monitor reporting month.

$ 30 - 60

The total considered Due Now that is Past Due between 30 and 60 days for the Practice Monitor reporting month.

$ 60 - 90

The total considered Due Now that is Past Due between 60 and 90 days for the Practice Monitor reporting month.

$ 90 +

The total considered Due Now that is Past Due 90 days or more for the Practice Monitor reporting month.


$ Charges

The total fees for the Practice Monitor reporting period. Fees include Scheduled Contract Charges, Late Fees, Initial Fees, and all other transactions charged through the New Transaction window.

$ Charges 6 Mon Avg

The average of the total fees from the current Practice Monitor month and the five previous months. Fees include Scheduled Contract Charges, Late Fees, Initial Fees, and all other transactions charged through the New Transaction window.

$ Collections

The total received and posted as payments to patient accounts for the Practice Monitor reporting period.

% Collection/Charges

The percentage of fees charged to all patient accounts that were actually collected and posted as payments for the Practice Monitor reporting period.

% CurAccRec/Charges

The percentage of fees charged to patient accounts that are the Current Account Receivable total for the Practice Monitor reporting period.

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