The Active Patients without Appointment or Recall report

Here's how to interpret the Active Patients Without Appointment or Recall Report - and how to clean it up!

What does this report do?

This report keeps practices from letting patients "fall through the cracks." It shows all active patients who do not have a next appointment scheduled NOR a recall entered. You can filter this report by Doctor and/or Office.

What data does this report show?

You will see the following columns for each patient. Click and drag these columns to the left and right to create a customized call list!

  • Patient Name
  • Account Holder Name
  • Account Holder Phone Numbers
  • Patient Email
  • Account Holder Email
  • Patient Office
  • Last Appointment Date
  • Last Appointment Procedure
  • Last Appointment Duration
  • Treatment Status

What makes a patient "active"?

A patient will be on this list (considered "active") as long as the Dismissed box is not checked in the Admin side of their chart.

There are too many patients on this list; how can I clean it up?

The Active Patients without Appointment or Recall report is hot-clickable! Just open it up and click on patients who should not be on the list. Check their Dismissed box to remove them from the list.

Once a patient is marked "Dismissed" can we make them active later?

Yes! Tops will automatically uncheck the Dismissed box for a patient as soon as an appointment or recall is scheduled for that patient. You do not have to do this!

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