D7 Definitions

The key components of the D7 Patient Care Tracking report are defined below.

Treatment Phase

Treatment Phases are defined by the ADA, and are the different phases of treatment. Pick the correct one for each patient. Treatment Phases are fixed and cannot be edited in Practice Setup. Treatment Phases were also referred to as Treatment Types in previous versions of Tops. These fields are found in Treatment Notes + and Dx/ Tx Plan.

Treatment Method

Treatment Methods are the ways you treat patients. Treatment Methods are found in Treatment Notes+ and Dx/Tx Plan.

The default Treatment Methods in Tops are as follows:

  • Fixed Appliances
  • Fixed Appliances with Extraction • SureSmile
  • SureSmile with Extraction
  • Invisalign
  • Clear Aligners
  • Habit Appliance
  • Space Maintainer
  • Quad-Helix
  • TMD Therapy Only
  • TMD Therapy with Appliances

To customize your Treatment Methods, go to Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Labels > Treatment Methods.

Dental Classification

Dental Classifications are the classes of malocclusion defined by the ADA. The classifications are fixed and cannot be edited in Practice Setup. The fields are found in Treatment Notes + and Dx/Tx Plan. Pick the Classification from the list provided for each patient.

Treatment Status

The Treatment Status field was created to track where each patient is in treatment right now. Are they in active treatment or are records complete? Get familiar with Treatment Statuses. Statuses are fixed and cannot be edited. Pick the status that your patient is in right now from the choices provided. Statuses will carry over from appointment to appointment.

Full List of Treatment Statuses:

  • Initial Contact (Patient called to schedule new patient exam)
  • Exam Completed (New patient exam finished)
  • Records Completed (Records taken)
  • Consultation Completed (Treatment Plan presented to the patient)
  • Development Monitored-Not Ready For Initial Tx (Patient not ready and will be monitored on a recall basis)
  • Will Call (Pending) (Patient not ready to start and states they will “call back”)
  • Seeking 2nd Opinion (Patient not ready to start and will get another opinion)
  • Tx Declined (Patient rejected treatment plan and will not start treatment)
  • Awaiting Specialist Results (Patient sent to specialist for any treatment that is required before they can start orthodontic treatment)
  • Active Treatment (Patient is in treatment. Can be either Phase I or Phase II)
  • Active Multi-Specialty Tx (Patient is in treatment in conjunction with another Specialist, i.e. surgical case)
  • Tx Suspended (Treatment is suspended and could be due to non payment)
  • Development Monitored without Retention (Phase I complete and no retention is necessary)
  • Development Monitored with Retention (Phase I complete with retention)
  • Final Retention (Braces (not Phase I) have been removed and retainers placed, patient being seen for active retainer checks)
  • Transferred Out (Patient moved and transferred to another Orthodontist)
  • Dismissed Indefinitely (Patient is finished with retainer checks and is considered dismissed)

Treatment Dispositions

Treatment Dispositions were designed to tell you generally what comes next for the patient, i.e., Schedule Records, Begin Active Treatment or Continue Active Treatment. Dispositions are used to track where you want the patient to head to next in treatment. Future appointments can tell you part of the story, but if the patient doesn't make an appointment or misses an appointment, we won't have the information on what should happen next for that patient. However, dispositions are not comprehensive terms. Dispositions are fixed and cannot be edited.

Full List of Treatment Dispositions:

  • Schedule New Patient Exam
  • Schedule New Patient Exam and Records
  • Schedule Recall Exam
  • Schedule Phase I Records
  • Schedule Phase I Records and Consultation
  • Schedule Exam and Records
  • Schedule Records
  • Schedule Records and Consultation
  • Schedule Consultation
  • Place on Will Call/Pending List
  • Refer to Specialist/Await Results
  • Refer to Specialist/Begin Treatment
  • Begin Active Phase I Treatment
  • Begin Active Treatment
  • Suspended Treatment Followup
  • Continue Active Treatment
  • Continue Active Multi-Specialty Treatment
  • Possible Appliance Removal 
  • Schedule Appliance Removal 
  • Schedule Retention Check
  • Transfer Out
  • Dismiss Indefinitely

Financial Status

The Financial Status is found in the Patient Admin Status/Notes/Alerts window. The default Financial Status is Standard. It’s a great way to track Collections, State Funded (Medicaid), and Awaiting State Funded accounts. The Financial Status name types are customizable in Practice Setup! Financial Status can be tracked in the Patient Matrix and the Treatment Status List/D7 Patient Care Tracking.

Default Financial Status Options:

• Standard

• Collection

• Cash Only

• State Funded (Medicaid)

• Awaiting State Funded (Waiting on approval from Medicaid)

Remember there are multiple parts working together, not just one status. Check the key pieces for each patient and after a complete patient appointment cycle (6-12 weeks) you will have an accurate view of every patient’s status.

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