Get Your Data Ready for the D7!

Ready to make the most of the D7 Patient Care Tracking report? Let's get started!

  1. Link Procedures and Treatment Statuses. You want to do this so theTreatment Status will change when the patient checks in. Here’s how:
    1. Go to Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Calendar > Appointment Types.
    2. From the Appointment Type list, click on an Appointment Type (such as Deliver Initial Aligners)
    3. At the center of the window, click in the When appointment is Kept, change Tx Status to: box.
    4. From the list, select the associated Treatment Status.
    5. Verify that the checkboxes below are checked to track if the appointment counts as a New Patient Exam, Alerts the Treatment Coordinator, Begins, Completes Treatment, etc.
    6. Make sure Emergency Appointments have the Emergency checkbox checked.

The Tx Status will change when the patient checks in for their appointment and display in the Tx Notes section in red. However, this change in status only occurs for appointments scheduled after set up. Be sure to check statuses at each patient’s appointment.

  1. Link Dispositions to the Usual Next Appointment. This will make the Appointment auto-populate when you select the Disposition. Here’s how:
    1. Go to Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Labels.
    2. From the Labels Type drop-down menu, choose Treatment Disposition.
    3. Start with the first Disposition in the list and click on the first row.
    4. Click in the Usual Next Appointment field.
    5. From the drop-down list of appointments, select the Usual Next Appointment for each Treatment Disposition.
    6. Continue for each Disposition.

  1. Customize Treatment Methods to track treatment length and profitability.

    Here’s how:

    1. Go to Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Labels.
    2. From the Labels Type menu, choose Treatment Methods.
    3. To edit a method, click it and press the Edit Label button.
    4. To add a method, click the plus (+) and enter your method.
    5. To edit a method click the method and click the Edit Label button (you won’t be able to edit the meaning, and it’s OK). You’ll get a warning message if the method has been used, read it over to see how the edit will affect those records.

Treatment Methods are used to determine how long it takes to complete each method and determine method profitability. Treatment Methods should not overlap. A patient cannot be in two (or more) methods simultaneously (i.e., SureSmile and Fixed Appliances with Extractions) If they can, a method is necessary for all of the variables (i.e., SureSmile Fixed Appliances with Extractions and SureSmile Fixed Appliances without Extractions). There is no limit on how many methods you can create, but more may not always be better. Too many methods may water down the D7 Matrix analytics.

  1. Customize Financial Statuses to better track the various financial situations in your practice. Here’s how:
    1. Go to Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Labels.
    2. From the Labels Type menu, choose Financial Status.
    3. To add a status, click the plus (+) and enter the Financial Status. You can add as many financial statuses as you’d like.
    4. To edit a status, click the Financial Status and click the Edit Label button (you won’t be able to edit the meaning, and it’s OK). You’ll get a warning message if the status has been used, read it over to see how the edit will affect those records.

  1. Set Treatment Coordinators for better tracking. Here’s how:
    1. Go to Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Staff/Security.
    2. From the list of staff members, select the Treatment Coordinator’s name.
    3. Check the Treatment Coordinator checkbox.

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