Get Your Patients Ready for the D7!

Our D7 Patient Care Tracking report (Matrix > D7 Patient Care Tracking) uses multiple dimensions of data to pinpoint patients and dissect your practice information. It’s not a one-dimensional look at statuses; it’s the full-bodied, multidimensional, super sweet D7 Patient Care Tracking Matrix!

With D7 Patient Care Tracking analytics, you won’t mix up Treatment Statuses, lose patients, wonder how many starts you have or which consults are ready to start treatment. With no significant work beyond what you already do, all the pieces will fall into place!

How to use new fields for D7 Patient Care Tracking analytics:

I’m sure you are wondering how to make this thing work. Well, it’s easy! First things first, when you enter the Diagnosis and Treatment Plan set the Treatment Plan Title (name the plan whatever you’d like), select the Treatment Phase, Treatment Method, and Dental Classification. For current patients verify the Method, Phase & Classification are accurate.

The fields can also be viewed and edited in Tx Notes+:

Choose the Treatment Coordinator that will work with the Patient:

Next, at each patient’s appointment check that the Treatment Status (where the patient is now in treatment) is correct, and select the proper Disposition (where the patient is headed next in treatment). A Disposition must be entered to move to the Next Procedure field.

If necessary, set the patient’s Financial Status, which is customizable in Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Labels. The default Financial Status will be set to Standard.

At the end of your patient appointment cycle (6-12 weeks) you’ll have good, clean information in D7 Patient Care Tracking and be able to pinpoint every patient in your practice!

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