Transfer a Credit

Is there a credit on a patient's account that you want to apply to a family member's account? You can do this in a few easy steps!

Remove the credit from the first patient's Due Now:

  1. In our examples below, patient Julia has a $250.00 credit due to an insurance overpayment. Her brother Steve has a large Due Now:

  1. Start with the patient who has the credit. Open the New Transactions window; go to Action > New Transaction or press Command T.
  2. In the field to the right of the patient name, select the Account that shows the credit in the Due Now.
  3. In the Fee/Payment Type field, select [+] account adjustment. You will need to enter your Tops Ortho password.
  4. In the window that displays, you will need to select a [+] account adjustment type. Most often in this situation, you will select Transfer Credit Adjustment. Click Use Selected Adjustment Type.

  1. Enter the amount that you would like to transfer to the patient's family member. In this case, we will transfer the entire $250.00 credit.
  2. Add a note, such as "Transferring credit to brother Steve."
  3. Click Process Charges and Payments... The Due Now will no longer reflect a credit.

Apply the credit to the second patient's Due Now:

  1. Now move on to the patient who will receive the credit. Open the New Transactions window; go to Action > New Transaction or press Command T.
  2. In the field to the right of the patient name, select the Account that will receive the credit in their Due Now.
  3. In the Fee/Payment Type field, select [-] account adjustment. You will need to enter your Tops Ortho password.
  4. In the window that displays, you will need to select a [-] account adjustment type. Most often in this situation, you will select Transfer Credit Adjustment. Click Use Selected Adjustment Type.
  5. Enter the amount that you would like transferred to the Due Now. In this case, we will transfer the entire $250.00 credit.
  6. Add a note, such as "Transferring credit from sister Julia's account."
  7. Click Process Charges and Payments... The Due Now will reduce by the amount of the credit applied. You're done!

Patient accounts after the credit transfer
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