Accounts with Credits

Sometimes responsible parties pay more than expected for down payments or pay ahead of schedule. Follow the steps below to clear out credits on accounts.

Our example patient below had a $500.00 initial copayment charge in his contract. However, his mother decided to use her HSA balance and paid $1250.00 instead. This resulted in a $750.00 credit in the Due Now.

Steps to clear out the credit:

  1. Click on the Contracts/Ledgers tab of the patient's chart.
  2. Highlight the active contract and click Open Contract. The Contract Worksheet will open.

  1. Click the Add Charge At End button.
  2. A new charge will add to the end of the contract.
    1. Change the Charge Date to tomorrow's date.
    2. Change the Amount (the middle column tied to insurance) to zero.
    3. Change the amount in the Patient Co... column to the credit amount.
    4. Press Tab.

  1. The charge you added will move up to where it belongs chronologically in the contract.
  2. Next, remove copay charges from the end of the contract to account for the amount paid ahead. In our example, we removed the last $400.00 charge and reduced the second to last charge to $50.00. Do not change the numbers in the Amount column; this determines the Contract Total, which should not change.

  1. Double check that the Contract Total and the Calculated Insurance totals are still correct! If they are not, do not record your changes!
  2. If the above are correct, click the button to Record Contract.
  3. The charge that you scheduled will drop down down tomorrow and remove the credit in the Due Now.
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