Accounts Receivable Report
The Accounts Receivable report displays a list of all patients with either a positive or negative balance for the date selected. This report not only displays balances but also aging, along with the date of the last payment.
Generate the Report:
- Go to Reports > Accounts Receivable.
- Choose your filters for Orthodontist and Office.
- The Date will default to today's date; if you enter a different date, the report will show the accounts receivable as of the date entered.
- Click Run Report.
- The bold Accounts number is generated from the following calculation:
- Expected Insurance + Future Due + Past Due - Paid Ahead
- Expected Insurance is the total of expected insurance amounts in all patient charts.
- Future Due is the total of contract charges that have yet to roll out.
- Prepaid is the total amount of payments made in advance. A prepaid amount shows as a credit in a patient's Due Now.
- Total Past Due is the total of the 0-30, 30-60, 60-90 and 90+ amounts.

Click and drag the columns to the left or right to your liking. Click on column titles to sort in ascending or descending order!
- Patient; patient name.
- Account; if a patient has more than one account holder, the patient will be listed twice.
- Total Bal; Copay Balance + Expected Insurance for the account.
- Future Due; the total of charges not yet rolled out.
- Exp Insurance; total of insurance not yet received.
- Total Due Now; amount in account's Due Now.
- 0-30; amount charged within 30 days of report date.
- 30-60; amount charged 30-60 days prior to report date.
- 60-90; amount charged 60-90 days prior to report date.
- 90+; amount charged 90 days and more prior to report date.
- Last Pt Pmt; date of most recent copayment.
- Last Pt Pmt; amount of most recent copayment
- Last Pmt Due; date of most recent charge.
- Last Ins Pmt; date of most recent insurance payment.
- Last Ins Pmt; amount of most recent insurance payment.
- Last Kept Appt; date of patient's most recent completed appointment.
- Last Kept Appt; appointment type for patient's most recent completed appointment.
- Next Appt; date of patient's next scheduled appointment.
- Next Appt; appointment type for patient's next scheduled appointment.
Export to a Spreadsheet:
- Sort and arrange the columns to your liking.
- Click the export icon on the top right of the report and select Export to spreadsheet. Note: You must have your username set up with permission for this function and you are required to enter your password.
- Name the report file and save to your desktop. Note: The file name includes .txt automatically.
- Right-click on the file on your desktop and select Open With > Microsoft Excel or Numbers.
- Your report will open as a spreadsheet.