D7 Exams Report

The D7 Exams report is a great way to view the results of your New Patient Exams!

Open the Report:

  1. Go to Matrix > D7 Patient Care Tracking.
  2. First, set your filters on the top right corner of the report. Note: if you wish to see "All" of each category, click off of "All" and then back to "All" to refresh.
    1. Doctor
    2. Tx Coordinator
    3. Location
  3. Next, on the top left, open the filter dropdown menu. Select Exams...
  4. In the calendar window that displays, select your Beginning Date and End Date. Typically, offices like to see exam results for a specific month.
  5. Click Use Selected Date Range.
  6. All patients who completed an appointment that counts as a new patient exam in the date range you selected will display. To see which appointments qualify, go to Tops Ortho > Practice Setup > Calendar > Appointment Types.

Organize Your Data:

Click and drag the columns to arrange them to your liking. Most treatment coordinators like to see the following:

    1. Patient
    2. Financial Status: Note trends in payment types, such as Care Credit, Medicaid, or Self-Pay.
    3. Dental Classification
    4. Tx Status: Note who has started treatment, who needs followup to schedule, and who went into observation. Highlight these groups and the D7 will auto-calculate the totals in the blue Selection Averages bar at the bottom of the report.
    5. Tx Start Date
    6. Next Expected Appointment: Note which appointment type to schedule when calling your Will Call/Pending patients.
    7. Tx Disposition
    8. Tx Phase
    9. Tx Method: Note which treatment types are starting; highlight these groups and the D7 will auto-calculate the totals in the blue Selection Averages bar at the bottom of the report.
    10. Age: Click this heading to group by age; note which age groups are starting treatment and which are not.

Follow Up With No-Show Patients:

    1. Click the Tx Status heading to group all Initial Contact patients together.
    2. Double-click each patient to open their charts.
    3. Call the patients to inquire about rescheduling their New Patient Exams.

Follow Up With Pending Patients:

    1. Click the Tx Status heading to group all Will Call/Pending patients together.
    2. Double-click each patient to open their charts.
    3. Call the patients to schedule their start appointments.

Calculate Your Conversion Rate:

    1. Click the Tx Status heading to group all like statuses together.
    2. Highlight all Will Call/Pending patients and write down the total that displays in the blue Selection Average bar.
    3. Highlight all Active Treatment patients and write down the total that displays in the blue Selection Average bar.
    4. Add these two numbers to calculate the total patients that were ready for treatment after their New Patient Exams.
    5. Divide the Will Call/Pending number by the total number of patients ready for treatment to calculate your conversion rate.
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